Aircon Installation Mistakes You Should Avoid


As we progress towards a world where the average annual temperature rises, we tend to rely more on air conditioning.

nstallation of air conditioners

Given that people continue to make errors during the installation of air conditioners, we felt it was time to educate our readers on the most common installation errors.

Suppose you have recently purchased a new air conditioner and are waiting for a professional to repair it. In that case, it is necessary to be aware of the possible mistakes you may make.

Here are a few common errors that most people make when installing an air conditioner.

Wrong Size Unit

What is the initial item we notice when purchasing an air conditioner? It is the unit measure, yes. Depending on the extent of the room, the air conditioning appliance may vary. Before purchasing an air conditioner, consult a professional and obtain an estimate of the unit’s size.

If you choose the incorrect side of the air conditioner, you may experience inadequate cooling. This will decrease the durability of your air conditioner. Therefore, you must contact a professional who can provide you with the correct instrument.

Wrong Position

The presence of an air conditioner in a room does not guarantee that all areas will receive cold air. First, you must ensure that it is positioned properly. The placement of the air conditioner is the second most important aspect during the installation of an air conditioner.

Try to place your air conditioner in the shade, but make sure that trees and other objects do not obstruct it. This will improve the efficiency of your air conditioner.

When installing an air conditioner, ensure the unit is tilted backwards, a simple step that most people overlook. This enhances air drainage. Besides, doing so provides appropriate ventilation.

Lack of Insulation

Insulation is the key, which is common knowledge. Despite knowing this, people make errors and leave a cavity in the insulated room. This void attracts balmy air from the outdoors. This phenomenon prevents your room from becoming saturated. Consequently, your electric bills skyrocket.

After installing an air conditioner, ensure that the room is properly insulated and that there are no openings through which outside air can enter. Inadequate insulation can also result in equipment failure, inadequate cooling, and increased workload in the air conditioner.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can also reduce the effectiveness of an air conditioner. Numerous invisible contaminants in the air contribute to interior air pollution. A few causes of poor domestic air quality are dirty air, fungi, moisture, pollen, and uncleaned carpet.

The presence of such bothersome particles substantially impacts the air conditioner’s performance. Instead of continuing to install the air conditioner, contact professionals for assistance.

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