MDF skirting boards

Several Advantages OF MDF skirting boards


Skirting boards have often been made from oak or another kind of wood. However, since MDF has exploded in popularity, more and more individuals are choosing to use it instead of wood for their skirting boards owing to its numerous advantages. So, what are the benefits of this situation?

Less Breakage Prone

Since mdf skirtings are made of a synthetic material, they will not expand or contract in response to changes in humidity or temperature like natural wood would. This is the most well-known advantage of constructing using MDF. This is because, depending on the conditions in which they are stored, natural timbers undergo expansion or contraction. When your skirting board consists of two separate pieces of wood, this may be extremely annoying. This is because even a minor change in the material’s shape as a consequence of the environment might destroy the flawless connection.


MDF has a lot going for it compared to other materials like wood. The fact that it’s made out of thin panels made from wood wax, wood fibre, and resin means it’s denser and more sturdy than other materials. Because of this, it will endure much longer. Its durability makes it suitable for installation in every area of the home, but notably in damp environments like lavatories and kitchens.

This is because MDF skirting boards are structurally designed to move together as a unit, even when exposed to extremes in temperature and humidity. The rationale for this is explained in the preceding sentence. If your skirting boards or other furniture are constructed of MDF, you may be confident they will be safe from damage.

Minimal Changes

Compared to genuine wood, MDF is easier to paint since it lacks natural flaws like knots and splinters. This is only one of MDF’s numerous benefits. This is because the surface of not all kinds of wood has the same hue. To get a consistent colour, you will need to paint many additional coats. Although extra layers of paint may help, knots will still often show through since they are typically much darker than the fundamental wood tone.

Less Expensive

It’s common knowledge that mdf skirtings are far more cost-effective than alternatives like plywood. Plywood may be more or less expensive than MDF, depending on factors such as the quality of the plywood and the kind of wood used in its manufacture. For instance, higher-quality plywood is more expensive than lower-quality plywood because it is more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This is due to the fact that manufacturing superior-quality plywood is more costly overall.

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