Modern Trash Cans

Mark Roemer Oakland Shares the Benefits of Modern Trash Cans



According to Mark Roemer Oakland, trash cans have come a long way. They have come a long way from being open perforated cylinders made of metal or plastic to having smart features that allow automatic sorting of the trash. Let’s check out the benefits of modern trash cans.

The Benefits

1. Enhanced durability – Most modern trash cans aren’t just perforated and lightweight cylinders made from the flimsiest materials. Instead, they are made from robust materials like thick walls of stainless steel and multilayered recyclable hard polymers. These materials make the trash can extremely durable. Even if you kick it with all your might in a fit of rage, these trash cans wouldn’t mind and would come out unharmed in the end.

2. Motion sensors – Remember those days when you had to open the trash can bin with your hands or by stepping on a lever at the bottom? Fortunately, those days are long gone. Modern trash cans have motion sensors that open up when you approach them. Lower-end models require you to make a motion with your hand over the bin while higher-end models have advanced algorithms that can accurately detect when you’re moving in front of it for dumping trash or just passing by.

3. Better hygiene – One of the major benefits of modern trash cans is enhanced hygiene. You never need to touch the can physically unless you’re trying to get it serviced or repairing it. That means you don’t need to be anywhere near the filth. Moreover, these cans have double-walled layers and tighter seals to prevent any kind of odor leak.

So, even if a raccoon breaks into your home, it won’t be able to figure out where the trash is stored. Some models even have a suction mechanism that activates every time the bin opens. This completely eliminates even the whiff of bad odor when you open the bin.

4. Aesthetics – Modern trash cans also look quite good in any setting. Due to their robust and premium build, they would blend in with the rest of the appliances in the kitchen. They can also be great accessory pieces in bedrooms and seem like a tiny premium chiller when the bin isn’t open.

5. Compression and sorting – Some high-end models of modern trash cans are very impressive. They have smart features and internal compartments to automatically sort out the trash. For instance, they can differentiate between plastic, paper, and metal and sort them accordingly. Others have in-built compressors.

These compressing mechanisms squeeze the trash and reduce its volume. When the volume of trash is automatically reduced, you’ll have fewer garbage days in the month. These features also make these cans more sustainable since trash gets sorted automatically and fewer things end up in the landfill.


Mark Roemer Oakland suggests that you invest in a modern trash can if you don’t have one already. Some of them armed with the latest technology can reduce the frequency of taking out the trash, and are more durable, and more sustainable.

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